Eligible Receiver: A First Time Gay Romance (Bareback University) Page 5
He went to where Isaiah had taken a seat on a bench. He moved to sit beside him. He felt desperately shy.
Isaiah smiled at him. He took his hand in his, stroked it the way he had earlier. Kissed him again.
Carter's heart was pounding. He was here. Alone. With Isaiah.
He tensed as his arms moved around him, then relaxed as their bodies touched, moving into the same intimate patterns as the bench outside. Their chests together, legs side by side, feet close.
Carter's eyes were shut, lips parted as Isaiah explored him with his tongue. He gasped as that tongue probed into him, pressing into his mouth the way he would imagine...he sighed.
The sound seemed to tense Isaiah, because he stiffened and then relaxed, deepening the kiss, arms close around him. His hand traced up into Carter's hair, and Carter was exploring his back, slowly, letting his fingers stroke the knotted muscles. Isaiah was made of muscle, it seemed. He sat there, as they kissed, his hands wandering over the shoulders of this beautiful man even as his own body was stroked, gently, with a touch that made him shiver with longing.
Isaiah moved back, breaking the kiss.
“You make me crazy,” he said with a laugh.
Carter grinned. “I'm not much better myself.”
Isaiah roared. They sat quietly a while. Carter felt his body ache, the tension rising. Becoming unbearable.
Isaiah stroked a hand down his side. His fingers moved to the hem of his shirt, his jacket was already beside him on the bench...it was surprisingly hot inside. Carter stiffened.
Their eyes met.
Shaking, Carter drew the shirt off. He felt awkward, but Isaiah smiled.
“Oh, yes,” he said.
Carter swallowed hard. The way Isaiah spoke, the way he looked at him, made his whole body shiver.
He stroked a hand down Isaiah's chest, pausing at the hem of his own shirt. Isaiah chuckled.
“Only fair, yes?” He reached down and removed it.
Carter stared. The soft light from the overhead lamps shone down on an ebony lake of muscle. He looked and looked at him. He felt as if he could look forever.
Isaiah held him close, his arms wrapped around him. Carter swallowed. Sitting like this, their skin touching, was the most amazing sensation, and one that made his body catch fire.
Isaiah stroked his back. His fingers eased the tension from the muscles, making Carter sigh happily. He did the same, stroking his hands down that firm, hard back. The muscles were tight and hard, the ones along the spine like steel pipes, they were so rigid and firm. Carter could have spent hours just touching him, except for the strange, shivery feeling that built within.
“Lie down,” Isaiah whispered. Carter obeyed.
He lay down and Isaiah's hands moved over him, easing tension he didn't know he felt. He shivered and shuddered and then just smiled as Isaiah touched him.
He had reached his lower back.
Isaiah's fingers gently moved under the belt of Carter's trousers, and Carter shivered.
“Shall I...take them off?”
Isaiah laughed. “That would be a good idea, yes.”
Carter bit his lip. His whole body caught fire. He sat up and, feeling nervous and slightly odd, he unfastened the clasp of his trousers, lowering the zipper. Isaiah was looking at his own pants, unbuttoning them, too. Carter sighed.
He stood, wearing only his briefs. He looked at Isaiah, who was, by now, naked.
He stared.
His whole body was a lake of muscle. And between his thighs hung something of such extensive proportion that Carter would not have believed it. He swallowed.
Isaiah smiled.
“Will you lie down? I'm not finished with your back...”
Carter swallowed hard. “I...” He felt nervous. Although he had some vague idea where this was leading, he wasn't sure. He felt a little scared. “I...I've never done this before, Isaiah.”
Isaiah smiled. “I get it. I promise. I won't hurt you...and even if I do. Even a little bit. Tell me.”
Carter swallowed and nodded. “I will.”
“I will stop anything that hurts you.”
Carter heard the tenderness in that voice and it made his heart soar. He nodded and lay down.
Isaiah stroked him. The touch eased out the last of the tension, making him feel pliable. He felt Isaiah gently lower his briefs. He tensed and then relaxed as the cooler air touched him.
His hands moved lower. They moved in the direction of his tailbone, gently pressing the base of it, massaging the muscle around it. The touch made Carter weak with longing.
The hand moved lower, tracing down the parting of his thighs. He tensed. When Isaiah moved lower still, he gasped.
A finger traced along the skin of his anus, light and gently teasing. The feeling shot across a thousand nerve-endings, carrying an overload of senses to his brain. He gasped and then lay still. Who would ever have thought that felt so good?
Isaiah smiled. “Okay?”
“Yes,” Carter whispered back.
The finger moved. Stroked him again. And again. And again. The rhythm was more rapid and it made Carter ache with longing. He moved back a little and at that moment the finger entered him.
Carter gasped.
He had never imagined that could feel so good.
Isaiah chuckled, hearing the gasp. The sound of his chuckle fired Carter to even more longing.
Isaiah slid his finger a little further then, carefully, moved it back. He kept that up for a moment, the sensation so pleasant that Carter felt as if he was floating in a sea of sensation.
Then a second finger joined the first. Isaiah moved them gently, widening them. Carter gasped. His whole body was filled with a feeling of longing like he had never felt before. Longing for...for...
“You want more?” Isaiah whispered.
He chuckled. “Okay.”
He leaned forward, Carter heard him step closer to the bench. His body moved, the feeling of cold air moving over Carter's back, then warmth. Isaiah's body was against his own.
He felt him move along his body, his penis hard, tracing the line between his butt-cheeks. Then it found his entry. It slid in.
Carter gasped. He had expected pain, but the sensation was the opposite of that. It was the most wonderful feeling. Fullness, and pressure, and tingling. He moved against the pressure, directing it to the spots where it felt good. Isaiah chuckled.
“That good?”
“Yes. Yes.”
Isaiah gave a soft laugh. His hands were on Carter's shoulders, the fingers soft, not holding. Not tightly.
Moving back gently, he drew himself out almost completely. Then he thrust back in.
They both sighed, then chuckled. Then Isaiah did it again, faster. Carter moaned.
He repeated the action, and repeated it, and repeated it. His cock was thick and firm and hard and it filled Carter in a way he would never have imagined before. He moved with the motion, his own sensations growing inside him and driving him to move back, and back and back...
“Oh, oh...” he moaned. Something was building inside him, some kind of growing, rising, arching sensation that drove him on and on and made him move and move...
He yelled it as the sensation broke over him. He felt as if his whole body dissolved, the sensation that Isaiah aroused in him melting it.
Above him, he could hear Isaiah gasping. The sound moved through the haze he occupied, becoming more urgent until he, too, cried out.
A last thrust, tense and firm, then he collapsed against him.
They lay there like that, Carter lost in wonder, Isaiah breathing against him, until their heartbeats slowed gently.
“Oh,” Isaiah murmured. He leaned down and, gently, kissed Carter. He slid out of him and moved away a moment, then came back.
Carter turned around, smiling at him. He wanted to say somethin
g, but words had disappeared. There was nothing to say...nothing that would make sense of how he felt right now.
Isaiah smiled. He came and sat beside Carter on the unoccupied stretch of bench behind him. Carter sat up. They embraced.
“That was amazing.”
Carter stared at him. “You think so? I do too.”
They both laughed. Isaiah took his hand in his.
They sat like that for a while.
“I should go,” Isaiah said gently. “Long day. Need sleep.”
Carter bit his lip. “I should too.”
They kissed.
“See you tomorrow, eh?”
Carter nodded once. He still felt delightfully exhausted. “Yes.”
They kissed. They dressed slowly, unthinking. Carter sighed.
They hugged and kissed again, and the kiss igniting fresh longing in Carter, longing he knew he couldn't sate: it was eleven o' clock at night and he had class tomorrow. And he needed to get home first. He sighed.
“See you tomorrow.”
They clasped hands and then moved apart.
Carter bit his lip. Leaving that room was hard. He kept on looking at Isaiah where he walked just behind him, sharing smiles.
I will see him soon, he told himself as they walked out into the night air. It didn't do much to alleviate his sadness, but it helped.
They walked away from one another, Isaiah heading around the front of the building, Carter heading to the back. He found his body was bruised and walking hurt, feeling different to how it had when he had arrived. He bit his lip.
He left with his head full of thoughts of Isaiah, memories of their time together.
He reached his car and got in, driving down the road to the main street, heading for his lodgings just around the corner from the main campus. He sighed. He drove blind, his mind elsewhere.
He had arrived with no idea of any of these things, and he left with knowledge, with sensation, and with love.
Even though he had only just met him, they had shared so much and they knew each other better than anyone: he was sure he was starting to love Isaiah.
That morning, Carter felt fully awake. He rolled out of bed before the alarm had woken him, a grin on his face.
Memories of the previous night played through his head, making him smile.
His body was bruised, he still limped a little as he walked across the floor to fetch his shower caddy. He laughed. He was bruised, he was tired and he was, also, happier than he could recall.
He pulled on his robe, head full of the events of the previous night, and went down the corridor to shower.
That morning, he was the first one in the kitchen. He sat drinking coffee lost in a haze of loveliness.
“You look cheerful,” Duane commented, sounding quite surprised.
“I am,” Carter said lightly. He smiled, his mind elsewhere. He was full of love that morning, happy just to be alive. It was wonderful.
“Hey, man!” Grant, the grad student, greeted him. “Were you here last night?”
“No,” Carter said carefully. “Not until later, anyway. Why?” How am I going to explain anything?
“Lucky you! You didn't have to put up with those darn freshmen making a racket in the street...I dunno. I need my sleep, even if they don't.”
Bradford made a face at Carter over Grant's shoulder and he bit back a grin.
He felt no irritation, nothing his housemates could do, not even their irritating mannerisms, worrying to him.
He drifted down the road to class and sat in the third row back.
“Good morning, class! Welcome to the second-last lecture of this semester.”
Prof. Wilding gave an intense class on the need for independent observers in democratic processes, and Carter felt moved to ask a few good questions, his heart open and his mind awake.
That was, when he wasn't thinking about Isaiah.
Every little memory, every sense and feeling, was glued to his mind. He could not help thinking about it.
I like you. You must know.
He smiled.
He went through the day with thoughts of Isaiah in the back of his mind, an awareness of the way his body tingled and felt different all over hovering on the edges of his mind all day. He had his first encounter that night and he felt like a new person.
Hearing from Isaiah was uppermost in his mind. He wanted to check his phone, but made himself check it only every half hour for fear that if he checked more, he would be checking every two minutes.
When classes ended, he was pleased to hear a message tone. He looked down. It was Isaiah.
“Having a get-together this pm.,” he read aloud as he walked down to the door. “Want to attend? At the Red Carpet Club.”
Carter raised a brow. He hadn't heard of the club. He did a search for it, narrowly avoiding a collision with a postman delivering a vast package to the department, and smiled at the pictures.
Looks fancy.
He had never attended a place like that. Never, now that he thought about it, attended a club at all. He always felt awkward. But tonight he wouldn't.
He was a new man and he could do this.
He reached his car, heard thudding at the thought of seeing Isaiah again. He had texted to find out when they should meet and smiled when, as he completed the short trip home, the reply came.
Carter glanced at his watch. Class had finished at six, which meant he had almost two hours to have some dinner, shower, dress, and maybe study his notes before he left.
He just managed it.
Finding the club and reaching it in the traffic proved the harder bit, but he arrived only ten minutes out.
Panting, he walked up the pavement and to the door of the club. He saw a familiar figure waiting for him. His heart went into his throat.
“Hi, Carter.”
Carter swallowed, slowing his walk to reach Isaiah. They hadn't said anything explicit about not making things obvious, but Carter already knew he should keep a low profile. He understood that they would have to be careful; Isaiah was still not out and he didn't want to let anyone guess.
They walked in together, Isaiah nodding to the vast doorman as they entered the club.
The place was nice: stylish, but not imposing. Carter felt comfortable. He looked down at his dark casual trousers and smart-ish pinstriped shirt, feeling he had made a good choice. Everyone seemed to be dressed similarly, and he didn't stand out.
He walked along beside Isaiah, stepping closer out of nerves when other players walked up.
“Isaiah! Hi!”
“Hey, man.”
Carter felt somehow somewhat left out as Isaiah greeted his teammates and the girls and other friends with careless confidence. His eyes scanned the room, looking for someone he knew.
Isaiah stepped away a pace or two, and Carter looked around.
“Mike! Hey! I didn't know you'd make it.”
Carter smiled watching his older brother and Isaiah greet.
“Mike!” he walked up briskly, grinning at his brother.
“Hi, bro,” Mike said fondly. He touched his shoulder and his eyes were warm. He did not actually look across at Isaiah, but Carter sensed his query and his figuring out. His smile deepened.
“Good to see you here,” he said.
Carter smiled. “I'm glad you're here. I'm glad to be here.”
If it was a statement of approval, it certainly felt like it. Carter smiled.
His brother blinked at him, a wink of sorts. He smiled.
“No worries. Now, I think I should mention to Matt that he really shouldn't be leaning all over that bar like that...his back won't like it.”
Carter smiled and let his brother go and fuss over one of his patients, while he himself turn
ed to Isaiah, who was beside him.
“Want a drink?”
They ordered their drinks and went to the window together while they waited. There were some low seats there and they sat, looking out at the night beyond the windows.
“Good day?”
“Mm,” Carter nodded. “Not bad. Yourself?”
Isaiah smiled. “Not bad either. Lots of good things to think of.”
Carter felt his face warm. “Me, too.”
They looked at each other and it was difficult to look away. The waiter brought their drinks and they sat drinking, looking out over the city where they could see it, shining and bright, growing brighter as the sky blackened.
They talked, and Carter found it hard not to show how much he liked Isaiah. His company was so pleasant, his humor funny, and it was difficult to look elsewhere, to divert his attention.
I don't want to let anyone know.
It was going to be difficult to hide it.
I am sure someone already guessed.
Anyone watching them wouldn't have to be highly perceptive to deduce what had happened.
“I'm just going to the bathroom, eh?” Isaiah excused himself gently. They’d had two drinks each, and Carter could sympathize with the pressure on the bladder. He nodded and smiled.
When Isaiah had gone he stayed looking out of the window. Most of the others had settled down at similar tables, talking and laughing. Carter noticed Mike sitting with two built players and three girls, and shook his head, grinning.
I wonder where Isaiah's got to, he thought. He shook his head. He had only been a few minutes and for all he knew the bathroom was up two flights of stairs. He was being silly.
He looked out of the window, letting the conversation flow round him. No one came over to talk to him but then he didn't expect that. He was content to sit and lose himself in thoughts. He didn't expect that there was anyone there who hadn't already settled down in some group or other.
He looked up sharply. There was a girl there. A tall girl with a pert figure and blonde hair, a face like a slightly unfriendly Disney Princess. He blinked, surprised.